Grow Local

SFC's Grow Local program requires approximately 100 hours per week (two and a half full-time staff) including all program components presented in this training: Gardening Classes, Support for School and/or Community Gardens, and Spread the Harvest. The amount of time required can be considerably less or even a bit more, depending on the scope of the project. In many instances, the amount of available staff-time will determine the scope of the project.

Additional expenses may include up to $500 per gardening class to cover teacher stipends and materials. Costs for starting school and community gardens, such as infrastructure costs, tools, and supplies vary widely, but should be a consideration. Garden resource giveaway programs based on our Spread the Harvest program can cost up to $8,000 annually, depending on the number of participants.

Farm Direct: Farm to Work Program

SFC’s Farm to Work program requires anywhere between 25 – 40 hours per week. This total can be considerably less or even more, depending on the number of worksites and participating farmers. In many instances, the amount of available staff-time will determine the scope and scale of the project. Initial costs for implementing Farm to Work include a setup fee for using SFC’s Farm to Work web portal of $850. There will also be the need to cover web maintenance, web hosting, and credit card processing, which will account for roughly 9% of Farm to Work gross sales. Staff time is needed to manage administrative functions, provide customer service, and support worksite coordinators and farmers.


At minimum, it is recommended that there is at least one staff person that can oversee the implementation of The Happy Kitchen/La Cocina Alegre® program. Exact hours needed by this person will be determined by whether or not he/she will be teaching the classes and/or coordinating them. To teach a class, Facilitators should plan on 4-5 hours per week for 6 weeks. Coordination of the class takes a minimum of 10 hours per 6 –week class series. Start-up costs include approximately $500 for cooking equipment and materials, plus an estimated $1,850 for facilitator stipends, food, and educational materials (handouts and cookbooks) for each 6-week series. To operate the program, a $125 yearly curriculum fee to Sustainable Food Center is required.



Farm to School and Farm to Cafeteria: Staffing for Farm to School requires 20 hours per week. Promotional materials for Farm to School can cost $2,000 annually (posters, shelf tags, table tents, for 25 schools). Also, stipends for Meet the Farmer Visits ($100 - $200 per visit), and budgeting for Veggie Sampling Events ($50 - $75 per event) will be necessary. Farm to Cafeteria requires 20-30 hours per week, depending on the size and scope of the project. The option of purchasing SFC’s Farm to Cafeteria online portal is available for $2,250, although this may not be necessary if working with a 3rd party distributor, or if farmers will be selling directly to the cafeteria. Organizations may also decide to develop their own web tools.

School Gardens: Providing support for school gardens requires an investment of staff time, which will vary depending on the type and extent of the support provided. SFC School Garden support requires approximately 25 hours per week. Starting a school garden that includes 5 4’X8’ raised beds, and maintaining it for one planting season can cost $745 for building materials, tools and soil, plus $130 for seeds, transplants, and compost.