
Program Replication

Sustainable Food Center’s food-systems programming follows our comprehensive “Grow-Share-Prepare” model. Our program areas include Grow Local community and school gardening; Farm Direct farmers’ markets and other direct sales programs; and The Happy Kitchen/La Cocina Alegre® cooking classes.

Many of the resources, tools, and processes developed for SFC programs in Central Texas are applicable to other areas, as well. Our program staff can be available to provide consultation, training, and technical assistance for other communities seeking to establish similar food systems programming.

To receive details about training or consultation in a particular program area, please indicate your interest here: http://sustainablefoodcenter.org/forms/general-questions

Healthy Community Food Systems Module

SFC consulted on this introductory-level, online Healthy Community Food Systems Training Module. Our “Grow – Share – Prepare” model of food systems change forms the basis of the programs presented in the module. Our staff provided content and our programs serve as examples throughout the video. The training module can provide a strong base of knowledge for organizations seeking to implement community-based food systems interventions, while our Program Replication training can serve to develop the knowledge, skills, and resources more fully. Learn more »